Sunday, April 1, 2007

What Made Houdini So Special?

The great Houdini was well known as an escape artist, straight jacket escape artist, etc. The master, formerly known as Erich Weisz, became Houdini after the french magician Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin. He would add and "i" to Houdin to become the greatest magician in history as Houdini.

Houdini greatest act, the Chinese Water Torture Cell, where he was suspended upside-down in mid air and had to hold his breath for close to four minutes while locked in a glass cabinet full of water is reminiscing of one of David Blaine acts.

Houdini was simply magnificent, but the thing that endeared him so much to the public was the fact that he was human like all of us performing superhuman feats. Houdini was the real life example of mind over matter, we can accomplish whatever we want, we just have to want it badly enough.

Houdini's death is rumoured to have been by a McMaster University student by multiple blows to the abdomen. Other rumours are that he died of poisoning. Which one is it? What we know is that he was a mere mortal like us with extraordinary powers.

My final word, Houdini se escapa, he always escapes!

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