Monday, September 24, 2007

How Does Your Brain Perceives Shapes And Sounds?

How would you like to participate in an experiment to see how your brain works in relation to shapes, sounds and words!

You would think that a phrase or rhyme with similar sounds would be easy on the brain, due to the fact that the same sound would have a familiarity to the brain. As a matter of fact, it is just the opposite that happens, the sounds become difficult when spoken because they contain similar sounds...

Try this well known tongue twister and see how you do "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers". If you say it slowly and concentrate, you may be able to say it in one shot without any mistakes. Trying to say it in a conversation, specially in front of people makes it more difficult. How did you do?

Expert Erin E. Maio-Harrison give some insight on speech disorder and a very interesting section on tongue twister type exercises.

Try this other well known one as well "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" Did you get it all in one shot?

I found this very interesting page on optical illusion. Usually, I am not too bad with illusion but I just can't seem to find the other 4 wolves in the rocky cliffs. let me know if you find them. Did you see what in a man's mind?

Checker Board Illusion...Take a very close look at Block A and Block B.Do you think that the colors are a different shade of grey?

Actually they are both the same shade of grey!

Take a very close look at this image! Who do you see? Looks like Ex-President Bill Clinton right?

and his Vice President Al Gore, right?

Actually, It's Clinton's face twice, with two different haircuts.

The F Illusion How many Fs do you see in the text below?





Get the answer!

Want to see some mind blowing professional magic tricks revealed?

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Miracle and Magic of Ancient Times...

There are numerous accounts of miracles in the Bible that would look like magic today. For instance when Jesus took two fish and five loaves of bread and fed five thousand hungry people, or make the blind see, cast demons out of people, etc. That was very magical and miraculous at the same time.

Before that, we had Moses who did quite a few miracles himself to convince Pharaoh to let the people go. When Pharaoh did let the people go, he kicked himself for doing so and gathered his army to get them back.

That's when Moses did the grand old finale of miracle, that still looked like magic to this day, parting of the Red Sea. I wonder how modern day magicians would pull this one...

A Russian scientist shows us how Moses did it!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

The Young Boy And The Magician...

A young boy asked his father, how did the magician at the fair make money appear out of thin air? The father responded that the magician at the fair is a friend of your cousin. What don't you go and asked him?

The boy went and asked his cousin who said that indeed he knew the magician and he could take him to see the local magician next Saturday.

Next Saturday, as promised, they went to see the local magician who said that he had promised his teacher never to reveal the secret. Furthermore, he said, we live in a small town, if I reveal my magic secrets, nobody would come to see me perform anymore and I'd lose my livelihood.

The boy said to himself, there is a secret to make money from nothing, I have seen the local magician do it. I have to learn the secret. One day, while watching TV, he saw another magician performed the very same trick of making money appear in his hat, which was previously empty. There was a contact number to get tickets to see the next live appearance, which will be held next month in another town.

The young boy thought, maybe if I can go to the live show, out of town next month I can learn the secret of making money and I can get all the money I want, at will.

In order to get enough money to buy a ticket to the upcoming magic show, the boy was doing all kind of errands to gather the amount of money. He was mowing lawns, carrying groceries to and from grocery stores, delivering newspaper, etc.

At the end of the month, he had enough money to buy his ticket to the magic show and some money left to take the bus back and forth to the show. Once at the show, he was very pleased to watch a master magician performing live before his very eyes and thought that perhaps he could find a way to approach the magician at the end of the show and ask him how he makes money appears out of thin air.

At the end of the show, not only can he not get close enough to the magician, he was rudely pushed aside by the magician's agent who said, do you think you can learn tricks like that for a lousy thirty dollar ticket? The young boy was thinking to himself how fast the money seems to leave his hand after all the hard work he put in to earn it.

As he was leaving to catch his bus back home, quite depressed and sad, he was approached by a gentleman who seemed to have heard his conversation with the magician's agent. Come here my boy and watch this! As the boy stood there and listened with all ears. The gentleman spoke about money and the science behind making money, the philosophy of life, the history of man, the history of the world and more. It was as if a large book came open in front of the boy and he could see clearly the magic that had escaped him all this time.

Front this point on, he no longer wanted the secret to making money but the secret of life, the secret of love between all people and the secret of peace on earth. That is the real magic.

Now get a coin out of your pocket and do this!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Where The Voodoo Ends and The Magic begins...

When I was a young boy of eight or nine years old growing up in the West Indies, I was fortunate to assist a few events (more like hide and watch without my mom knowing) . These events can definitely be categorized as being magic. One event in particular comes to mind everytime I think about voodoo or something similar.

First of all, I am not a voodoo expert, but I have known people who practiced voodoo as a religion and they all agree to say that voodoo is a combination or very old wisdoms passed on from generation to generation mostly from people of western Africa.

The purpose is to do good and improve relationship, frienship, learn to live with nature, improve on the harvest, cure for sick people, etc. Unlike the popular Holywood cliché where voodoo is associated with little dolls to harm people or make people sick.

A real voodoo priest is called "Ougan", that priest is very knowledgeable with various knowledge of leaves, to cure various illness and diseases, interpellation (consultation with different spirits) and more. Mind you, there is always the fake "Ougan" priest who is out there to make money. They will collect money from you in order to cast a spell on your nasty next door neighbour :)

As I was saying when I was a young boy, I saw that man, who I assumed knew quite a bit about casting demons out of people, litterally cast out a total of seven different evil spirits from a woman, and she did do many different voices like in the movie "The exorcist".

At first, the woman was tormented by multiple personalities or spirits. She could not live a normal life. She was called crazy, then her family called upon this expert and he did his magic. She became very normal afterwards. The treatment lasted up to a week. The man doing the treatment would come everyday with all kind of different leaves and he would gently talk to her, asking her name and everytime it would be a totally different person.

He would gently ask the spirits to leave the poor woman's body, but sure enough they would refuse to leave. That's when he would use his powers to cast them out. It was quite frightful to hear, specially when the spirits were forced to leave her alone.

Not quite voodoo but very magic.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

What Made Houdini So Special?

The great Houdini was well known as an escape artist, straight jacket escape artist, etc. The master, formerly known as Erich Weisz, became Houdini after the french magician Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin. He would add and "i" to Houdin to become the greatest magician in history as Houdini.

Houdini greatest act, the Chinese Water Torture Cell, where he was suspended upside-down in mid air and had to hold his breath for close to four minutes while locked in a glass cabinet full of water is reminiscing of one of David Blaine acts.

Houdini was simply magnificent, but the thing that endeared him so much to the public was the fact that he was human like all of us performing superhuman feats. Houdini was the real life example of mind over matter, we can accomplish whatever we want, we just have to want it badly enough.

Houdini's death is rumoured to have been by a McMaster University student by multiple blows to the abdomen. Other rumours are that he died of poisoning. Which one is it? What we know is that he was a mere mortal like us with extraordinary powers.

My final word, Houdini se escapa, he always escapes!

Saturday, March 31, 2007

David Copperfield, A Living Legend...

Among all the great magicians past and present, one can be considered a true legend in the history of magic. Watching this man performs his magic is like being treated to the most exquisite evening as far as magic is concerned.

This magician, David Copperfield, seems to be in a world of his own. A world of pure magic where you can enter only if the great magician allows you. Watching him do his magic, you have to wonder where the illusion ends and where the true mystical magic begins.

I have seen magic performed by the best magicians of the world, yet I am still left wondering, did the Statue of Liberty really disappeared or is it mass illusion? It is an illusion, it has to be or did David really make it disappear before our very eyes?

I saw the Statue of Liberty disappear on TV but I believe that he has also performed the feat live in front of thousands. Is David an illusionist as well as a hypnotist, so much that he can plant a picture in the mind of thousand of people at the same time? It has to be! How else can you explain such extraordinary feats?

While David is probably getting ready to come out with his next breathtaking magic, let's watch some real magic with these two fabulous magicians...

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Most Exciting Magic Show...

The most exciting magic show that I have ever seen was when the two masked guys came on TV a couple years ago and were finally showing for the first time on National TV how they do the most amazing magic ever known to men.

They went from "how to saw a woman in half" and showed you how they did, "how to stop a bullet with your teeth" and again showed you how they did, throwing knives to a woman tied to a revolving round board and showed you how they did it. They did a lot of well known classics with the whole magic team involved and showed the behind the curtain steps to doing it. That was quite a show, let me tell you.

One guys that is pretty amazing on the scene today is David Blaine, specially with his street magic. My favourite of all is the "levitation" or better know as the "Balducci Levitation", where the magician can levitate a few inches from the ground. The effect is simply astounding.

Do you want to try the "Balducci Levitation" yourself?

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Magic Tricks Anyone Can Do...

Welcome to the magic world! I am sure most of us as kids, have seen magicians perfom on TV or live, then from that point wanted to learn a few tricks to impress our friends and perhaps family. We spent a few days learning how to do the (magic) trick and once we knew how to do it, spent a few hours practicing it, showed and impressed our friends the magic trick once or twice, then the magic slowly fade away and we moved on to other things.

The mystery of anything magic is something that is always captivating. As adults, we are still impressed with magic and always asked, how do they do it? Some magic tricks, we'll never learn! Others are now easily accessible to anyone interested in magic...

How about learning the famous sawing in half trick?
Free e-book- Learn How David Blaine does it!

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